FUTURUM Junior Chewables

Model: WZC0404

Quantity : 20

Australia , Austria , Belgium , Brazil , Cambodia , Canada , China , Denmark , Finland , France , Ghana , Hong Kong , Hungary , Indonesia , Ireland , Italy , Japan , South Korea , Latvia , Luxembourg , Macau , Malaysia , Mexico , Netherlands , New Zealand , Nigeria , Norway , Pakistan , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Russian Federation , Singapore , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Taiwan , Thailand , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States , Viet Nam , Serbia

Product Description

FUTURUM Junior Chewables

Sugar Free • With Super Tasty • Fruity Flavor

Many children of school age, when give a choice, would rather eat snack foods such as com chips, popcorn, cookies, ice-cream, cake etc, as a meal replacement.

Some high fat and calories foods, such as hamburger, French fries are the favorites of most children. Foods high in fat and calories, but low in nutritional value will log arteries and slow down brain function. In over weight children, fat food may weaken their immune system.

It has been said that in the over crowded school classrooms, if one child should cough, half the class will have a cold or flu the next day. Many children may not get a consistent in take of essential vitamin which help build the healthy bodies and strength immune system.       •

Multivitamin especially formulated to enhance children health and wellbeing. Fulfilling the nutritional gap that shortage from imbalance diet.

The Unique Formula

FUTURUM Junior Chewables not only provide tasty flavor the children will love. The unique formula consists of 12 vitamins with these health benefits.

The Antioxidants

Vitamin A : Famous as 11 Anti-infective Vitamin" and immune system enhancers, necessary for healthy skin and mucous membranes and healthy eye-sight.

Defense against invading microorganisms and toxins.

Vitamin E : Protect thymus gland and blood cells from damage. Beneficial to prevent periodontal disease, infections and inflammation. Preserve healthy skin, enhance immune function and help fights viral infection.

Vitamin C and Zinc : Works with Zinc synergistically to fight Free Radical attacks. Essential in the formation of collagen tissues, promote healing of wounds. Vitamin C detoxes many harmful substances and play important role in immunity.


Vitamin D : Important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth in children. Necessary for thyroid function and normal blood clotting.

Vitamin B Complex(B1, B6, B12, B2, B3, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid). Maintain healthy nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver and mouth as well as proper brain function. B Vitamins are a team, work synergistically and should be taken as a complex to obtain better nutritional benefits.

Folic Acid : Folic Acid is needed for energy production and function of red blood cells. Important for healthy cells division and replication. Works together with Vit B12, and Vit C to prevent anemia. Folic Acid helps promote active and smart children.


Iron : Important nutrient for the production of hemoglobin, the part of blood cells that transport oxygen to the cells. Iron also -support myoglobin, a protein that –transport and store oxygen in the muscles

Selenium : Works together with C and E to protect your cells against damage from free radicals.

Zinc : Involve in skin repair and making DNA. Support normal growth and development of children. Also play antioxidant activity.

Manganese : An important mineral involve in the formation of bone and collagen, a connective tissue that hold your body together, keeps muscle and skin taut. Helps metabolism of amino acids, fat and carbohydrates.

Suggested Use:


Children 2 years up, chew one (1) tablet daily after a meal Dosage may be increased to two to three tablets daily if required