Golden Great Slim

Model: WZA0405

Quantity : 29

Australia , Austria , Belgium , Brazil , Cambodia , Canada , China , Denmark , Finland , France , Ghana , Hong Kong , Hungary , Indonesia , Ireland , Italy , Japan , South Korea , Latvia , Luxembourg , Macau , Malaysia , Mexico , Netherlands , New Zealand , Nigeria , Norway , Pakistan , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Russian Federation , Singapore , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Taiwan , Thailand , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States , Viet Nam , Serbia

Product Description

Urbanite usually have starch foods or fast foods as their daily diet, such as porridge(congee), noodles ,rice,french fries,hamburgers, pizza and so on. People absorbing too much caloric, fat accumulation and become obesity. Fast foods, oily snacks, sugar or salt can make people's face and body became swollen or edema.


"Life's Elements" Great Slim containing psyllium seed and high content of chitosan, psyllium seeds have very rich dietary fiber, absorb regular dietary fiber can be bowel cleansing, maintain intestinal peristalsis and promoting waste discharge.


■Effects and origin of chitoan :

Chitosan Is a natural fiber extracted from marine organisms;chemically similar to plant fiber; can Increase stool volume and promote intestinal good bacteria breeding, inhibit bad bacteria to breed, the good bacteria drilling fibers and Increase intestinal peristalsis, can be soft the stool and discharge of excess body fat and waste, can achieve a balance of gastrointestinal healthy,


■Prevent fat absorption, and to help drain away the fat and lose weight:

Chitosan is very effactive of blocking lipase, by sticking fat of the stomach, The function of blocking lipasels the fat will not easy to be absorbed In the intestines and will be excreted directly, When chitiosan into the stomach, will play a role in adhesion of fat into the can not be digested gel, and finally excreted through the intestinal naturally. Turn the fat of body into calories, to recovering energy and speed up the weight lossing. "Life's Elements" Great Slim Is different from other weight-loss fiber food surplus in the market, it is not by suppressing appetite or diarrhea to come up the weight and health effects, but does not affect the absorption of other important nutrients, so it will not cause harm to humans, allow people peace of mind to use this produce.


■Effects and origin of psyllium:

Psyllium originating in Iran and India, short stem diameter, long oval leaves, seeds containing coral wood (Aucubine), enzymes, fat, sticky gum (Mucilage) etc. it is a natural plant fiber source, can absorb several times its weight of water, forming sticky jelly-like substance, increase water content and volume of stool;psyllium have better water absorption compared to other vegetable fiber, it can soften stool and avoid constipation, also the formation of the gel has a calming effect, it can decrease eating desire of user .

Psyllium is a very good dietary fiber, high fiber content, seed hull of psyllium containing cellulose; hemicellulose, pectin, ligninand alginic. those both soluble and insoluble fiber, with a strong water absorption, psyllium will expanding 50 times when contact with water, so must drink more water if taken psyllium, psyllium also promote intestinal movement smooth. Psyllium seed coat powder is used to treat constipation in India, European countries listed psyllium is the pharmacy for constipation, bacterial diarrhea or Intestinal mucositis etc, with the effectiveness of laxatives and adsorbent,


■American nutritional science journals "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" published in 2006 (Georgetown University) conducted a double-blind test, shows no eating and living in restricted circumstances, overweight taking chitosan more effective in fat burning and weight loss then those without taken chitosan. - Evaluating efficacy of a chitosan product using a double-blinded, placebo-controlled protocol. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, (2006). 25 (5) ;389-394.


This product features:

 Increase satiety and reduce food intake.

 soft stool, maintain intestinal peristalsis.

 Prevent the oil is absorbed in the stomach, reducing the residual fat in the body.

 Improve digestion, clean and eliminate constipation.

 100% natural formula, free of western drugs, security does not rebound.


"Live's Elements" suitable for:

Comprehensive obese people

 Dessert, candy or soft drinks lover

 Fried foods lover or those who frequently eat outside

 Frequent or regular drinkers or go out socializing

 Concerned about the-health problems caused by obesity


the product Manuel