
Model: CTCP0401


Australia , Austria , Belgium , Brazil , Cambodia , Canada , China , Denmark , Finland , France , Ghana , Hong Kong , Hungary , Indonesia , Ireland , Italy , Japan , South Korea , Latvia , Luxembourg , Macau , Malaysia , Mexico , Netherlands , New Zealand , Nigeria , Norway , Pakistan , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Russian Federation , Singapore , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Taiwan , Thailand , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States , Viet Nam , Serbia

Product Description

Ryukakusan     20g/        Tin   can


Ryukakusan is a famous medicine prepared to a time-honored formula. It has been used by large numbers of people for killing coughs and phlegm for more than one hundred years. The human trachea has ciliary cells all over its inner surface. These cilia constantly vibrate at a rate of about 1,500 times a minute, and the inner walls of the trachea secrete mucus.

Dust and other foreign particles and germs that come into the human body through the trachea are caught by this mucus and are ejected out of the body by the vibration of the cilia. This is the natural process of keeping the body clean.

If the throat is overworked, or if you smoke too much or breathe foul air, the throat may get inflamed to cause pain or form sputa. As a result, the natural cleaning process will work less effectively so you will suffer from coughs.

Ryukakusan with its saponin contents will stimulate the secretion of mucus from the inner surface of the trachea, invigorating the cilia to remove sputa and kill coughs.

Features of Ryukakusan

1.     Fine powder When taken, the fine powder of Ryukakusan covers the mucous membranes of the throat and quickly take effect.

2.     Easy to take The refined flavor and taste of Ryukakusan befit a time-honored medicine.

3.     Mild effect Ryukakusan works directly on the throat, not through the stomach, to kill coughs and sputa in a mild way.

Major ingredients (0.g contains) Borneol33.0mg, Platycodon Root 35.0mg, Powdered Glycyrrhiza 25.0mg, Powdered, Powdered Apricot Kernel 2.5mg ,Powdered Senega   1.5mg,  Benzoic acid 2.5mg

Effective for

Voice trouble due to coughs, phlegm, or throat inflammation; killing coughs and helping eject sputa due to coughing, soot, dust and excessive smoking.


Adults (15 years and over) 1 time  1      spoonful (0.3g)

Children (11 - under 15 years) 1 time    2/3   spoonful

(8 ~ under 11 years) 1 time    1/2   spoonful

(5«under 8 years) 1 time        1/3   spoonful

(3~under 5 years) 1 time        1/4   spoonful

(1-under 3 years) 1 time 1/5   spoonful         

(3 months ~ under 1 years) 1 time 1/10 spoonful

3-6 times a day as appropriate to a specific throat condition. Ryukakusan works on the mucous membranes of the throat so it must be taken without water. It will work less effectively if taken with water into the stomach.



Keep tightly closed and store in a cool, dry place at room temperature.