Strong Jian Bu Hu Qian Wan

Model: CTRA9002

Quantity : 34

Australia , Austria , Belgium , Brazil , Cambodia , Canada , China , Denmark , Finland , France , Ghana , Hong Kong , Hungary , Indonesia , Ireland , Italy , Japan , South Korea , Latvia , Luxembourg , Macau , Malaysia , Mexico , Netherlands , New Zealand , Nigeria , Norway , Pakistan , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Russian Federation , Singapore , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Taiwan , Thailand , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States , Viet Nam , Serbia

Product Description

Strong Jian Bu Hu Qian Wan


Nourish kidney-yin, lower the asthenic fire, strengthen the tendon and bone, dispel wind, eliminate dampness, subdue meridian, unblock collateral.

Indication: Lumbago, limb numbness, flaccidity of lower limbs, insufficiency of yin-blood and failure of nourishing the tendon and bone, weakness and thinness of the lower limbs, difficulty in walking.

Dosage: 4-6 pills three times daily, to be taken with warm water or to be used only in accordance with the instructions of a registered Chinese Medical Practitioner or Pharmacist of Chinese Medicine.

Caution: Not to be taken during fever or pregnancy.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place.

Specificatioin: 200mg/pill, 100 pills/bottle.

Dosage form: Pill.

主要成份 Active Ingredient

海风藤Caulis Piperis Kadsurace(4.5%), 牛大力Radix Millettiae $peciosae (4.5%),     Radix Angelicae Pibescentis(7.2%), 三七Radix Notoginseng(3.6%), 杜仲    Cortex Eucommiae(4.5%), 川牛膝Radix Cyathulae(2.7%), 当归 Radix Angelicae Sinensis(3.6%), 甘草Radix Glycyrrhizae(2.7%), 川芎Rhizoma Chuanxiong(4.5%),     Radix Dipsaci(4.5%), 白芷Radix Angelicae Dahuricae(4.5%), 骨碎补Rhizoma Drynariae(2.7%), 千年健Rhiozma Homalomenae(3.6%), 五加皮Cortex Acanthopanaicis (4.5%), 桑寄生Herba Taxilli(4.5%),及多种名贵中药材Plus various precious Chinese Medicine

